Preparing for the beautiful return of our fall months, there is plenty to look forward to in Virginia! With unforgettable hikes, local art to appreciate, overlooks for your scenic drives and much more. It's undeniable that fall is Virginia's favorite season! Below is a list of popular activities to do in the Shenandoah Valley through October...

1. Fall Foliage Art Show: This year, October 9th & 10th 2021, Waynesboro Virginia is celebrating the 50th anniversary for this incredible art show. It is most definitely one of the most well-known art shows in Virginia. With a plethora of different artists and their unique work for display and for sale, this is an event that is worth the time and energy. Downtown Waynesboro is also well known for it's incredible murals around town.

2. Humpback Rock Hike: Located on the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 6, this hike has one of the most spectacular views of the valley and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Humpbacks trail, roundtrip is approximately 7.8 miles. There is also the option to go the shorter route which is a roundtrip of almost 2 miles. The second option is a bit more strenuous but much faster.
3. Shenandoah National Park: If you are looking to go on a scenic drive, this is the perfect place to do just that. With frequent overlooks to stop at and stretch your legs, the drive along the Shenandoah National Park in the fall is absolutely gorgeous.

These are just a few options for exploring the months of fall in Virginia! No matter what you decide to do, the most enjoyment is found while taking in the Blue Ridge Mountains perspective of fall foliage. Being located in the stunning Blue Ridge Mountains, the Iris Inn is the perfect location to stay to enjoy the changing leaves and nearby events! If warm and cozy-luxury is what you are seeking while venturing in the Blue Ridge Mountains then the Iris Inn is just the spot to fill those needs!
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